Monday, May 9, 2011

Hidung Berdarah :O

tadi kan , lepas rehat adalah waktu PJ . dah seronok main dengan kawan semua naik la ke kelas , of course la dahaga gilaa enn . hannah and ain datang mintak air , okayy bagi la enn . pastuh turun kat kantin nak refill ( not sure the spelling) air balik enn . dah buat semua tuhh , on the way naik ke kelas tiba tiba rasa macam tak selesa kat hidung . apa lagiii tenyeh punya tenyeh tiba tiba tengok kat tangan merah semuaaaa . mula mula dah rasa dahh waktu main tadii , tapi biar je ingatkan dia berhenti la rupanya tidak . -,- . then , panggil hannah and ain . ' hannah ain hidung aku berdarah ! ' hannah and ain was like :O:O . apa lagi masuk kat kelas bagi tahu ustazah hidung berdarah , ustazah pulak nak percaya tak nak percaya jee -,-' . alahaiiiiii ustazah ohh ustazah . tunggu ustazah bagi pas dah macam apa jee . turunkan tangan daripada tutp kat hidung nampak yiba tiba darah meleleh keluar :| . diana and sayang nampak perkara tuhh jadi diaorang macam >.< . baru laa ustazah tergopoh-gapah cari dia punya pas tuhh . = =' . dapat je pas terus lari ke tandas . hannah and aku okayy la enn pakai track suit , ain kesian ohh dia pakai kain . pityyyy . :') . sampai jee depan tandas terus bukak tudung bagai suruh hannah pegang . tiba tiba ain pulak rasa benda yang sama , tengok kat cermin darah dah meleleh keluar . aku yang tenag basuh hidung dah macam orang gila dahh , gelak tak henti henti . ada dua sink , dua dua kitaorang concere . HAHA , yang lain masuk nak guna terus tak jadii . huh ! gilaa tak bolh lupaa ohh benda niii. . okayy laa until this my story .bye bye :]

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Random Picture (;

Shahazim Shahrul Zaman :D

The way you breath makes me calm
The way you speak makes me warm
The way you see right through me
You make me the girl that I want to be

The way you hold me, I could never feel cold
The way you are, how my heart got sold
The way your nose moves when you speak
The way your eyes looks at me makes me weak

The way you smile make me so melted
The way you stole my heart and kept it
The way we belong to each other, we fit
The way I will miss you until the next time we meet
All these things I love about you
But most the way you love me too
'I love you' is all I want you to say
We are perfect in every way
Except for the way we say 'goodbye'
That word is not meant for us, I feel like I could die
But heck! We are meant to be, made for each other

I Love My Mom !

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tuty Fathiah :)

p/s : tuty , if you read this post , i want you to know that you're apart of my babyy :)) . thanks cause you want to be my friends , i really really appreciate that :) . Although , we're meet in this year , but i think that's not a reason for us to close :) .